Fitfluencer verwijdert borstimplantaten en verontschuldigt zich voor 'onrealistisch ideaalbeeld'

De fitness influencer heeft spijt dat ze ooit borstimplantaten liet plaatsen

Na flink wat scrollsessies op Instagram gooien we soms het liefst onze telefoon uit het raam. Afgetrainde benen, perfecte borsten en billen zonder putjes: het is allemaal zó perfect – en niet haalbaar. Fitness influencer Maria Kang spendeerde flink wat uurtjes in de sportschool om dit ideaalbeeld van Instagram na te streven. Met een nieuwe set borsten zou het plaatje helemaal compleet zijn, althans dat dacht ze. De fitnessgoeroe heeft de borstimplanten inmiddels verwijderd en deelt op Instagram een eerlijk verhaal.

De influencer deelt een foto van haar littekens en 'leeggelopen borsten'.


"Als ik vandaag naar mijn met littekens bezette, gevoelloze en leeggelopen borsten kijk, vind ik het jammer dat ik ooit heb gedacht dat ze niet goed genoeg waren. Ik viel in de val van de onzekerheid", schrijft Kang onder haar foto op Instagram. De brunette poseert met haar implantaten om haar 'spijt' te delen.

Je bent al goed

Met dit bericht probeert de fitfluencer een belangrijke boodschap naar buiten te brengen. Volgens de brunette ben je namelijk al goed zoals je bent, hier hoeven geen body-veranderende apps, fillers en nep-lichaamsdelen aan te pas te komen. "Ik hoop dat mijn kwetsbaarheid je zal aanmoedigen van je lichaam te houden en mensen te waarderen die ook van hun lichaam houden", schrijft Kang onder haar foto.

Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram

Breast implants are linked to cancer. Last week the FDA recalled Allergan, a breast implant manufacturer who’s textured implants increased the risk of developing breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). ⁣ ⁣ Distribution has halted for both their BIOCELL saline-filled and silicone-filled implants worldwide. ⁣ ⁣ This is a cancer of the immune system - which is interesting as thousands of women with implants are experiencing autoimmune issues. ⁣ ⁣ Including myself.⁣ ⁣ Immediately after my surgery I underwent complications: from a hematoma, lack of sensation and numbness. It always felt foreign and uncomfortable to me and impeded on my ability to effectively nurse my sons. ⁣ ⁣ But like many - despite how I felt, I loved how I looked. Breast implants are normalized throughout the fitness industry. There was no way for me to be lean and have fatty breast tissue at the same time. ⁣ ⁣ It wasn’t until I was continuously massaging my chest from pressure and pain, when I thought about explanting. My good friend removed her textured implants when she dealt with continuous joint injuries and gained 30lbs in 3mths. Another friend was dealing with fatigue, brain fog, chronic pain, anxiety and depression.⁣ ⁣ I began feeling heart palpitations, chronic fatigue, dry eyes, joint pain and weight gain. I was perennially exhausted and finally said enough is enough.⁣ ⁣ I explanted one month ago and since then my fatigue immediately went away. My eyes don’t feel heavy. My inflammation has declined and most of all - I feel FREE. I feel ME.⁣ ⁣ I feel like I’m finally leaving the young, insecure and impressionable girl I once was and am coming into the strong and confident woman I am today. ⁣ ⁣ When you know better, you do better.⁣ ⁣ I hope the 400,000 women who implant yearly do their due diligence in researching the risks. I hope women in the fitness industry start rocking their lean, strong and natural physiques! ⁣ ⁣ I hope we all learn to love our bodies, at all sizes, in all forms and at all stages. ⁣ ⁣ #breastimplantawareness #explant #bii #noexcusemom #bodypositivity #mariakang #breastimplants ⁣ ⁣ Image by @truelovephotos

Een bericht gedeeld door Maria Kang ✨ (@mariakangfitness) op

Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram

Dear Followers,⁣ ⁣ I’m sorry.⁣ ⁣ I don’t like regrets, but I have a few in life. As I look at my scarred, numb and deflated breasts today, I regret ever thinking they weren’t good enough. I fell into the insecurity trap. ⁣ ⁣ I remember the day I made the decision to augment my breasts clearly. I didn’t research. I never thought about needing or wanting it before. But, when I was told it was something I “had” to do to win - I did it. Without question.⁣ ⁣ A part of me died that day. ⁣ ⁣ For years after I struggled with binge eating, Bulimia, Body Dysmorphia and Depression. I felt disconnected in the objectification of my body. ⁣ ⁣ While uncomfortable, it took years to remove them...I became pregnant multiple times, built businesses and traveled often. Those are all Excuses, though. ⁣ ⁣ The truth is, I was still scared and insecure.⁣ ⁣ I was stuck in the social media world, where fake physiques are rewarded, “liked” and valued. I feared my husband’s opinion. I liked how I looked in clothes and swimsuits. I was vain. And I own that. ⁣ ⁣ Lao Tzu once said, “you will only get better, when you’re tired of being sick”. It wasn’t until I couldn’t stay awake throughout the day, when the chest pressure increased and when the flutters in my heart started appearing - when I said enough is enough. ⁣ ⁣ I’m sorry for my presence - for unconsciously normalizing an unnatural body standard, not expressing my challenges with body image and not being strong enough to unfix this years ago.⁣ ⁣ I hope my vulnerability will encourage you to love your body and to value spirits that love their bodies too. I hope you know that all the filters, body altering apps, fillers and fake body parts will not make you more beautiful than you are right now.⁣ ⁣ You are beautiful. You are enough. You are valued. You are prized. You are “liked”. ⁣ ⁣ Thank you for being with me on MY journey knowing that yours may look different and still, that’s ok. We are ok.⁣ ⁣ Love,⁣ Maria ⁣ . 📸 by @truelovephotos #breastimplantillness #explantjourney #bii #explant #bodypositivity #noexcusemom #mariakang #apology #reflections #fitmom #boobjobdiary

Een bericht gedeeld door Maria Kang ✨ (@mariakangfitness) op

Lees ook: Influencer laat zien hoe ‘nep’ Instagram-foto’s eigenlijk zijn

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Bron: Women's Health | Beeld: Unsplash