Moeder showt foto van zwangerschapsstriemen na bevalling van drieling en deelt belangrijke boodschap


Ook moeder Desiree had moeite om haar nieuwe lichaam te accepteren, maar het is zó belangrijk om het te omarmen

Na hun zwangerschap houden veel vrouwen er zwangerschapsstriemen op na. Helemaal normaal, maar sommigen hebben er soms moeite mee om weer helemaal van hun lichaam te gaan houden. Ook moeder Desiree Fortin had het er even moeilijk mee, maar deelt nu een belangrijke boodschap op Instagram over het accepteren van je lichaam na een zwangerschap.

Moeder worden

“Erachter komen dat ik moeder ging worden was een van de meest fantastische gevoelens”, schrijft Desiree op haar Instagramaccount The Perfect Mom. “Het maakte me niet uit dat mijn lichaam drastisch ging veranderen. Ik ging eindelijk moeder worden, moeder van een drieling!”

Een heel ander lichaam

Na de bevalling was haar lichaam erg veranderd. Meer dan ze had verwacht, zo geeft ze toe. “Ik had nooit verwacht dat mijn lichaam eruit zou zien zoals het er nu uitziet. Ik heb veel meer extra huid, striemen en rimpels. En hoewel het soms moeilijk is om van mijn nieuwe moederlichaam te houden, representeert het de kracht van het vrouwelijk lichaam en het wonder van drie baby’s dragen”, schrijft ze. Om die reden noemt ze haar zwangerschapsstriemen ‘hoopwonden’.


Desiree schrijft dat de zwangerschapsstriemen ervoor zorgden dat ze heeft geleerd wat zelfliefde echt is en dat ze heeft geleerd haar lichaam te waarderen. Ze wil ook andere moeders aanmoedigen om van hun lichaam te houden. “Onze zwangerschapsstriemen zijn verhalen over hoop, verhalen over liefde en soms verhalen over verlies. Er zit zoveel schoonheid in onze moederlichamen omdat ze onze kinderen representeren en onze liefde voor hen.” 

Houd van jezelf en je lichaam

Ze sluit af met een krachtige boodschap: “Aan alle mama’s die worstelen om van zichzelf te houden: je bent mooi, sterk en moge je de kracht krijgen om vandaag wat meer van jezelf te houden! Kies ervoor om je perspectief te veranderen omdat je mooi bent!”

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“For every women unhappy with her postpartum marks, there is one wishing she had them.” I love this quote. I once was her, the "one," waiting, wishing, hoping to be a Mother. Finding out I was finally going to be a Mom was one most incredible feelings. It didn't matter whether I was going to give birth naturally or have a cesarean (however you do it, you’re amazing). And it didn't matter that my body was going to change drastically. I was finally going to be a Mom, a Mom to triplets! And although I never imagined my body would look the way it does now, it represents so much more. There is a lot of extra skin, stretch marks, sag and wrinkles. And while my new Mom body may be hard to love sometimes, it is a new me that represents the power of the female body and the miracle of carrying three babies. As I have shared before, I call my postpartum marks my "Hope wounds" and they have taught me a greater meaning of self-love and appreciation for my body. I think that it is important to change our Mom body perspectives. There is empowerment for yourself in loving yourself. Our postpartum marks are stories of hope, stories of love, and sometimes stories of loss. There is so much beauty in our Mom bodies because above all they represent life, our children, and the undeniable love we have for them. For the "one"somewhere wishing, hoping, praying for her miracle, this is for you. For the one who delivered and lost your baby, I know these are all you physically have left of your angel. You are strong mama. And to all the Mama's struggling to love themselves: you're beautiful, strong, and may you be empowered to love yourself a little more today!! Choose to change your perspective because your beautiful! Bra/Undies: @knix >>> the most incredible bra and underwear I own!!! P.S EXCITING NEWS Next week I leave for an amazing Body + Love Workshop by @sarahsapora I’m so excited to be surrounded and inspired by an amazing group of people all supporting each other! I will be share more details in my stories 💕

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De post van Desiree is al een tijdje oud, maar is nog steeds helemaal waar. Op haar Instagramaccount deelt ze bovendien vaker krachtige foto’s van haar lichaam.

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My journey to love my body has always been one of time and intention. It certainly took time to find my confidence in my own skin after delivering the triplets. My body changed a lot and I knew I had to be intentional about seeing beauty in my new body. • I think it is also important to be intentional about loving your body during pregnancy. While I love being pregnant, I’ve also had a harder time watching my body change this pregnancy. Perhaps, it’s because I wasn’t planning to be pregnant and my body changing wasn’t on my radar. Or it could be comments like this that make it harder, “Wow, you’re so big. You sure there is only one?” 🤯🤦🏻‍♀️ Even though I have had some thoughts sneak in, I know the value of not getting stuck in the negative mental space. I know my body is beautiful and I know the journey to love my body is a continuous one. I read a post from @thegarciadiaries the other day and I felt like it was spot on for me. Sometimes through the seasons we go through as mothers, we have to learn to love our bodies all over again. I find myself there. I know my worth and the strength my body carries. I will always choose to be intentional about loving my body whether it’s during pregnancy or postpartum and be an advocate for all you mamas out there walking in intentionality, grace, and love for your body. • I also know what a gift it is to be able to carry a child. I know this baby girl growing in me is a miracle. And as she grows, as I grow, I will embrace and celebrate my body in its changes because it is doing something miraculous: bringing life into this world 💕 • Bra/undies: @knixwear

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Lees ook: 5 dingen die je tijdens je zwangerschap wél zou moeten doen

Bron: Instagram The Perfect Mom | Beeld: Unsplash, Instagram The Perfect Mom